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World record highest altitude ski-base

Mountain Man BASE team member and founder Josh achieved the highest altitude ski-BASE on April 11th, 2024.

The jump took place on Mera Peak in the Nepal Himalaya, at an elevation of 5716m (previous record 4359m on Mt Blanc).


Achieving the world's highest Ski-BASE involved a combination of drive, vision and resilience on Josh's part..  Getting to the exit point took 2.5 weeks of flying, driving, hiking and ski-touring, only to find that the exit slope was a barren, rocky boulder field bereft of snow!  After initial devastation at the prospect of arriving too late, motivation kicked in and an alternative exit point was located.  A day of labouring at altitude shy of 6000m, struggling rhoguh headaches and nausea, with little left in the tank, prepared the exit slope, moving rocks aside and smoothing out an exit ramp. During the night the gods gifted a thin extra couple of cm snow cover. In Josh's words "the dream was to do several nice S turns and ski eloquently off the cliff but in reality all we had was just a humble rocky filled runway at an exit height of nearly 6000m...Some nice heavy breathing before the jump through exhaustion & lack of oxygen but this just added to the exhilaration especially with Everest in the backdrop". 

It's amazing what you can achieve with a 'can-do' attitude.  A mainstay of the Mountain Man BASE philosophy...

 First uk Tandem and World first tandem moto base 

As well as having opened up over 100 new exits at home, Mountain Man BASE performed the first UK Tandem BASE jumps in August 2022, setting a precedent for future activities in the UK and beyond.


The next phase was to perform the World's First Tandem BASE jump from a motorbike in March 2024 (orchestrated with Luke Woodland).

"Waterfall' variant moto-BASE


Much planning went into the project, including fabrication of the ramp and preparation of the runway, capitalising on a slim late winter weather wind .


The jump was performed in a disused quarry in Derbyshire, England


Care was taken to preserve the motocross bike with an integral parachute system.  This enabled it to be reused a short while later for a 'waterfall' BASE (triple sequence canopy deployment of two riders and one bike!)


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